In order to reduce loss of water and to stop ground water contamination, Oaky Creek mine required a designated water storage dam / turkey’s nest to assist in achieving underground mining safety
protocols in the event of a fire.
The successful management of water is key to OCC mining operations and safety. After identifying site suitable areas and managing strict design criteria, piped inlet structures were designed and installed to regulate any potential surges from high water run off events.
HDPE liner was also installed to further enhance the design criteria, reduce erosion and allow for ease of scheduled maintenance. All design and construction objectives have been meet and complies with OCC’s emergency water storage plans.
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Head Office
81 Distillery Road, Yatala QLD 4207
(07) 3807 0633
Tenders / Suppliers
Contact the Estimating Department on:
(07) 3807 0633
Central Queensland
881 Long Pocket Road, Moranbah QLD 4744
52 Gemini Street, Tieri QLD 4709
(07) 4986 1140